Agent Info

ND Agent is an agent running on the host where the ND application under test is running. Its task is to provide a communication channel between BCI Agent and ND Collector. In this section, you can view a list of ND agents along with their status. To view the ND agents list, click the Agent Info option within the Admin section.

On clicking this link, a new window is displayed. This window provides the status of machine agents and application agents as shown in. Machine agents are the cavisson monitoring agents (CMON) and application agents are the BCI agents or the ND agents. You can filter the active or inactive Agent Status in Machine Agent Status and Application Agent Status.

Figure 48: Agent Info

Machine Agent Status

This section provides machine agent information, such as process id (PID), tier, server, server IP, operating system, version, agent start time, set last updated time, status (either active/inactive), and action(s).

Figure 49: Machine Agent Status

Let us discuss in detail each one of them:

  • Pid: This is the ID of the process.
  • Tier: Tier is the logical grouping of the server.
  • Server: This is the server which is running in the given tier.
  • Server IP: This is the IP address of the server.
  • OS: OS is the operating system on which the agent is deployed.
  • Version: Version shows the build of the agent.
  • Agent Start Time: It shows the time when the agent started.
  • Cmon Settings Update Time: This shows the time when the settings of the agent are last updated.
  • Status: Status shows the status of the agent in a color format (Red-Disconnected, Green- Active, Yellow-Inactive).
  • Action: This shows the actions that the user can perform, such as viewing and updating the configuration.

Note: To download the report file you can select any of the below icons:

  1. Word( )
  2. Excel( )
  3. PDF file( )

Application Agent Status

This section provides application agent information, such as PID, tier, server, instance, installation directory, agent type, version, agent start time, and status as shown in below figure.

Figure 50: Application Agent Status

Let us discuss in detail on each one of them:

  • PID: This is the ID of the process.
  • Tier: Tier is the logical grouping of the server.
  • Server: It is the server which is running in the current tier.
  • Server IP: It is the IP address of the server.
  • Instance: This shows the instance of the server.
  • Installation Dir: This is the directory on which the agent is installed.
  • Agent Type: This shows the type of agent like- Java, .Net, and so on.
  • Version: Version is the build of the agent.
  • Agent Start Time: It is the time when the agent was started.
  • Status: Status shows the status of the agent in a color format (Red-Disconnected, Green- Active, Yellow-Inactive).

Note: To download the report file you can select any of the below icons:

  1. Word( )
  2. Excel( )
  3. PDF file( )

Operations on Agents

You can perform the following operations on the machine agent and application agent:

  • Search an agent
  • Apply filters on agents
  • Download report
  • Restart an agent
  • Refresh agent status list
  • View or update the settings

Search an Agent

For searching an agent, use the search bar at the top-left section of the window as shown in. Enter the desired value to perform a search (in any column), the searched results are displayed accordingly.

Figure 51: Search an Agent

Apply Column Filters

You can also apply column filters, that can work the same as search but can also be applied on multiple columns. To do this, click the  button on the top-right corner of the window as shown in . The filter panel is displayed.

Figure 52: Column Filter

To hide column filters, click the button again.

Download Reports

You can also download reports of agent status in various formats, such as word, excel, and pdf. To do this, click the desired format, that is displayed at the bottom-left section of the screen as shown in below figure.

Figure 53: Download Reports

Restart an Agent

You can restart the machine agent. To do this, click the Restart button  as shown in Figure 54.

Figure 54: Restart an Agent

Refresh Agent Status List

On clicking the Refresh button , the agent list gets refreshed and an updated list is displayed on the panel as shown in Figure 55.

Figure 55: Refresh Agent Icon

View or Update the Settings

You can view or update the machine configuration by clicking the  or   button in the Action(s) column.

  • View Configuration

On clicking the View button  , the following window is displayed where you can view the current settings and advanced settings of the machine.

Figure 56: Settings
  • Update Configuration

On clicking the Update button , the following window is displayed where you can edit the settings of the machine.

Figure 57: Update Configuration